LIMBS a Complete Web Based Litigation Monitoring Application
Technology is an important aid to strengthen the rule of law and administration of justice.
Technology has displayed significant potential for promoting certainty in procedure, transparency,
curbing arbitrariness ensuring equality and promoting inclusion. All over the world technology is
being carefully integrated with national judicial system. The Ministry of Law and Justice of
Government of India also has taken initiative to incorporate the usage of ICT in management of Union
of India(UoI) litigation by implementing the Legal Information and Management Briefing System
(LIMBS) for concurrent monitoring of entire process of litigation from Central Government’s
LIMBS is a simple and innovative web based application which utilizes standard template with
well-defined fields for storage, categorisation and search of legal cases and documents, managing
timely administrative procedures and audit trail which in turn brings uniformity in administrative
norms in the entire chain of UOI litigation.
LIMBS has been implemented in 55 Ministries of Government of India, its departments and attached
offices and it has brought all the stakeholders viz. users, Nodal Officers of the various
Ministry/Departments, advocates etc. on a single platform. LIMBS stores information about types of
courts, tribunals and even arbitration cases on a single database.
LIMBS is an innovative, easy to access online tool to monitor the court cases on 24x7 basis in a
more transparent, effective and proactive manner during the entire life cycle of a litigation. LIMBS
ver (2.0), an initiative of the Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice in
association with NIC has been implemented in all the Ministries of GOI and their Departments,
attached offices and Autonomous bodies. LIMBS seamlessly integrates all the stakeholders viz. users,
nodal officers, advocates, to upload the latest information which is concurrently available on real
time basis on this single unified platform.